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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Beach Body Workout

Burn fat and tone your trouble spots in 4 weeks.

Ballet Lifts
(Trims hips, glutes, and thighs)

A. Stand straight with hands on hips (or one on a wall for balance), heels together, and toes and knees turned out to sides as far as comfortably possible. Keeping torso and hips steady, brush right foot against ground as you lift right leg (toes pointed) straight out in front as far as possible without moving hips. Return to start.

B. Using same technique, lift leg out to side. Return to start.

C. Lift leg behind you. Return to start; that's one rep. Do 3 reps. Switch legs and repeat.

Ball Hug
(Sculpts chest and shoulders)

Hold large, firm beach ball (or exercise ball) between hands. Lift breastbone, contract chest muscles, and squeeze ball as firmly as possible for a count of 5. Release ball slightly, then squeeze again. Do 16 reps.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6