Burn fat and tone your trouble spots in 4 weeks.
Plank Twist
(Whittles waistline)
A. Sit on left hip with legs to side and right foot just in front of left. Place left hand on ground beneath left shoulder and right hand on right leg.
B. In one motion, contract obliques (side torso muscles), lift hips off ground, and sweep right arm overhead, so body forms a diagonal line. Hold for two breaths, then slowly lower. Do 4 reps. Switch sides and repeat.
Hit-the-beach shortcut This pre-photo shoot trick from swimsuit models will give your body and confidence an instant pick-me-up. Do two or three of your favorite Bikini Shape-Up moves before you slip into your swimsuit, then grab your towel and glow.
Leg Pull-Back
(Tightens abs and glutes)A. Assume push-up position with hands directly beneath shoulders and legs straight.
B. Keeping abs tight and torso stable, contract glutes, and raise left leg 6 to 12 inches. Hold for two breaths, then lower. Do 8 reps. Switch legs and repeat.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6