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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Beach Body Workout

Burn fat and tone your trouble spots in 4 weeks.

Beach Ball Squeeze
(Slims inner thighs)

Lie on back with arms at sides. Place large, firm beach ball (or exercise ball) between legs and raise legs until perpendicular to body. Feet should be flexed and legs bent slightly. Using inner thigh muscles, slowly squeeze into the ball for a count of 4. Pause, then slowly "unsqueeze" to a count of 4, without completely releasing tension. Do 10 reps.

(Shapes glutes and hamstrings)

A. Lie on back with arms at sides, knees bent, and feet flat on ground, about hip-width apart. Contract glutes and lift hips up toward the sky to form a straight diagonal line from shoulders to knees. Straighten right leg and extend it toward sky.

B. Lower hips 2 to 3 inches, then press into left foot, contract glutes, and lift hips back up. (Right leg remains in air the entire time.) Do 10 short lifts. Then switch sides and repeat. (If too challenging, start by performing move with both feet flat on ground.)

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6